Sourcing in India

Swades makes it work, supporting you each step of the way


Are you thinking about sourcing products in India, or are you worried about moving production? Perhaps you’ve had a less than perfect experience in the past

Why source in India?

Sourcing in India has surged in recent times. With rising labour costs in China, never mind the political issues, organisations no longer want all their eggs in one basket and are turning to India.

  • Low manufacturing costs to stay competitive in the market

  • With a wide range of raw materials such as cotton, silk, marble, metal, wood and many others readily available, India is a great place to get creative

  • Unique design heritage not found in other countries, and many of these techniques can be produced in large volumes or in small batches

  • English is the second official language in India and has been so for generations. This makes it really easy when it comes to working on your products or to problem solving

Whether you’re an experienced buyer with years of working in India under your belt, or a complete newbie, the capacity and capability of this hugely skilled country is changing all the time, so why not let us show you what is on offer?

The Sourcing Process

In order to source the right factory and materials for your goods, we will start with a detailed brief of what you want from us. We recommend you never work with a factory you have just met, or who has contacted you. There is too much at risk. We work with a selection of factories in any one sector and we know their strengths and weaknesses.

  • We ensure the factory has the right skills to make what you need

  • Fair working conditions and processes to ensure production is sustainable

  • Once we have found the right factory, we will work with them to source the materials you need from specialised markets in India or developed uniquely for you

In any event, the end product will be just yours, with the process taking a little longer the more bespoke the components are.

“Sourcing from India is a minefield and Swades helped to guide us through, from booking trade show accommodation and accompanying us to collating quotes and checking product quality before shipping, they made it an enjoyable journey.” MD, Accessories & Gift Wholesaler UK

We would love to help you so please get in touch and see what Swades can do